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8 Great Length Retention Tips To Quickly Help You Achieve Long Natural Hair

I’ve got great news! Your hair is always growing! There should never be a question of whether it’s growing or not. Your hair is the result of genetics; from how fast your hair grows, to your density, curl pattern etc. So why does my hair seem to stay the same length if it is growing all the time, you ask? It could be a matter of length retention.

Length retention is the ability to grow and maintain the newly grown hair. It is the slow gradual progression of hair growth with minimal breakage that retaining length is all about. Here how are my top 8 length retention tips that you can add to your hair regimen today.

1) Be gentle when detangling. When detangling try finger detangling or using a wide tooth comb. You never want to brush wet hair or try and detangle the hair when it is dry. I like to apply a leave-in when detangling because the added slip helps add moisture as well as undo any knots.

2) Trim damaged ends. It’s so tempting to hold onto the last few inches because we are starting to finally see progress. It’s always counter-productive to allow split or damaged ends to damage the rest of your hair shaft. Remember, split ends don’t just split. They continue to travel up the hair shaft and will damage the rest of your hair. (Think: like a run in a pair of stockings)

3) Deep condition with heat. This is where heat and hair work wonders. You want to opt in for a deep conditioner or mask. Apply the deep conditioner and cover your hair with a plastic cap. Sit under a dryer for 10-15min. What the heat does is help open of the cuticle and penetrate the hair shaft. Afterward, rinse with cool water to seal the cuticle. Deep condition once a week. If you do not have a hood dryer you can always cover your head with a warm towel or use the steam from your shower.

4) Protective and Low manipulation style. Styles that protect your ends or limit the amount of styling needed are never a bad choice. Even if the length isn’t your goal. Low to no manipulation styles provide the least amount of stress on the hair. When caring for your ends you want to make sure you wear a protective style that tucks them away or is styled in a way that the hair can be untouched as least as possible. Frequent handling can encourage tangles, breakage, or even moisture loss.

5) Nourish from the inside. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘you are what you eat’. As cliché as this is, it’s true. For the hair to grow and maintain health it must be fed from the inside. Drinking plenty of water and eating a well-balanced diet can go a long way. It may also be helpful to take a vitamin supplement to cover diet deficits. Always consult your doctor if there are medical conditions to take into consideration.

6) Scalp Health. Where it all begins. Healthy hair follicles produce healthy new growth and who doesn’t want healthy growth? If there are scalp concerns such as itchiness, flaking, or general discomfort please do not ignore the signs. Getting down to the bottom of any scalp issue and tackling it will put you back on track to reaching length goals.

7) Tame the tension. Wearing styles that create too much tension will cause unnecessary breakage. To avoid too much tension, protective styles like braids, ponytails and buns should be installed comfortably. Always be aware of any discomfort or signs of breakage such as red raid

8) Make peace with progress. When it comes to retaining length, you do it best! It’s not about retaining as much length as the next person. Comparison will sabotage your progress. It creates undue stress that then cause you to overlook all the progress you are making.


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